科研成果 (一)科研论文(*通讯作者 #共同一作) 1. Zhou, R., Wang, S.*, & Yao, N. Urbanization, source of income, and trend ofdeath place in China: Data from 2000-2018 CLHLS.BMC Palliative Care(2023). 2. Yue, L.#, Jia, C.#, Zhang, Z. Bai, M.,Wang, S.*,& Yao, N. (2022). Family transfers, caregiving difficulties, and caregiving stress among family caregivers ofolder adults living with disabilities in China.Geriatric Nursing, 47:226-231. 3. Hawes, F. M. &Wang, S.*(2022). The impact of supervisor support on the job satisfaction of immigrant and minority long-term care workers.Journal of Applied Gerontology,41:2157-2166. 4. Shao, D., Wang, S., Sun, J., Wang, H., Sun Q.* (2022). Association between long-term HbA1c variability and functional limitation in individuals aged over 50 years: A retrospective cohort study.Frontiers in Endocrinology. 5. Chen, T.#, Zhou, R.#, Yao, N., &Wang, S.*(2021). Mental health of homebound older adults in China.Geriatric Nursing, 43, 124–129. 6. Zhang, Z.,Wang, S.,Miao, C., Su, M., Chen, T., & Yao, N.* (2021). Substantial Differences in Turnover Intention between Direct Care Workers in Chinese Hospitals and Long-Term Care Facilities.Journal of American Medical Directors Association, 22, 696–700. 7. Zhou, R., Cheng, J.,Wang, S., & Yao, N.* (2021). A qualitative study of experiences among Chinese homebound adults receiving home health care.BMC Geriatrics, 21: 309. 8. Li, C.#, Zhou, R.#, Yao, N., Cornwell, T., &Wang, S.*(2020).Health Care Utilization and Unmet Needs in Chinese Older Adults with Chronic Conditions and Functional Impairments.Journal of American Medical Directors Association, 21, 806-810. 9. Wang, S.*,Kim, K., & Stokes, J. (2020). Dyadic Profiles of Personality among Older Couples: Associations with Marital Quality.Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37, 2012–2031. 10. Wang, S.* & Mutchler, J. (2020). The implications of providing grandchild care for grandparents’ marital quality.Journal of Family Issues, 41: 2476–2760. 11. Wang, S.*, Kim, K., & Boerner, K. (2018). Personality similarity and marital quality among couples in later life.Personal Relationships, 25, 565-580. 12. 张硕,侯茹男,王双双,孙晓杰.*(2022).我国城市健康养老评价指标体系的探讨。卫生软科学,36, 36–45. 13. 许静,贾丛溪,周晟宇,王双双*.(2023).美国老年友好大学建设的经验及其对我国老年教育的启示.成人教育. 14. 安适,王双双*,袁娟,陈涛,姚能亮.(2022).自评健康在老年人自理能力和抑郁之间的中介作用.护理学报,29(20):55-59. (二)科研项目 1.主持:中国老年夫妻代际支持与心理健康状况研究(SDYULY01),中国老龄协会山东青年政治学院老龄科研基地,2021.9-2022.9 2.主持:美国老年友好大学建设经验研究(SDYULZ07),中国老龄协会山东青年政治学院老龄科研基地,2021.9-2022.9 3.参研:“互联网+”背景下基层传染病防控能力评估与提升策略(20VYJ057),国家社科基金国家应急管理体系建设研究专项,2020-2021 4.主研:居家医疗模式中失能老年人家属照顾者支持体系的资源整合研究(20CGLJ30),山东省社会科学规划研究项目,2020-2021 5.共同主持:罗德岛和康涅狄格州健康老龄化数据报告(Healthy Aging Data Report for Rhoda Island and Connecticut),塔芙茨健康计划基金,44.8万美元2019-2021 6.共同主持:麻省老年行人安全的评估与促进(Improve the Safety of Older Pedestrians),麻省交通部,2018-2019 7.参研:麻省与新罕布什尔州健康养老数据报告(Healthy Aging Data Report for Massachusetts and New Hampshire) 2017-2019 8.参研:针对麻省老年人的公共交通资源评估(A Scan of Transportation Options Available for Older People in Massachusetts),2018 9.主研:关于麻省建立失智症友好型社区资源和护理模式的研究(Environmental Scan of Assets and Activities Supporting Dementia-Friendly Communities in Massachusetts),2016-2017 10.主研:麻省行为健康和社区养老服务的合作与促进(Nurturing Community Partnerships between Behavioral Health and Aging Services in Massachusetts),麻省老年事务办公室,2016-2017 11.参研:建设老年人友好型波士顿(Becoming an Age-Friendly Boston: Practice and Principles),塔芙茨健康计划基金,2015 12.参研:Framingham城市居民养老资源评估(Mapping Assets for Residents Aging in the Town of Framingham),麻省大学董事长办公室,2015 |